This is me, the original Veruca Salt from the 1971 film ‘Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory’.
I have finally got around to setting up a website, as I have been so upset at the number of fake autographed photos etc that I have seen. It upsets me that people are being ripped off, so soon you will be able to get your official photos directly from me, with a dedication if you wish.
I'm in the process of putting together some exciting content for the online store so please bear with me... full details coming soon!!!
Bits you might not know:
After Willy Wonka, I appeared in several TV series in the UK and WW&TCF was forgotten for a long while.
I was in a series called ‘And Mother Makes Three’, as a child, and later 3 series of BBC’s ‘Angels’, playing Nurse Jo Longhurst, who was at last a ‘nice’ girl. Then back to baddies again, with the awful Rowella, in the original BBC series of ‘Poldark’. Lots of other bits and pieces including a role in a film remake of ‘Camille’ with gorgeous Colin Firth.
I retired from acting about 10 years ago, to train as a psychotherapist and I now work for a cancer charity. I have two children, both grown up, and happily neither of them are like Veruca Salt.
I live in Hampshire, England, with my dog Hudson, who occasionally is more like a ‘Vermicious Knid’, note to self: must do more dog training!
Scrumdidlyumptiously yours,